
880 Route 45
Woodstown, NJ 08098

Salem County Career and Technical High School District

Student Meal Services

Parents please take the time to download and read the Parent’s Guide to the School Payment Portal before setting up your online account for your student(s). You can then click on the link to get started, utilize the QR Code or download the app.

Student Menus

Applications for Free and Reduced Lunches for the 2024-2025 school year are now available online.
Please use the link below for the Parents Guide to Online Free/Reduced Application Process:


Breakfast after 1st Period Bell and Late Arriving Students

Any SCVTS student that arrives late to school, still has the ability to receive breakfast. If you arrive late, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Late students are to first go to the Main Office and sign in.
  2. After signing in, you can stop at the Cafeteria and get breakfast.
  3. You can then continue on to your classroom with your breakfast.

Should you have any questions please contact:

Mr. Roland Carter, Food Service Director
(856) 769-0101 ext. 5324.