
880 Route 45
Woodstown, NJ 08098

Salem County Career and Technical High School District

Academy of Communications

This academy is hosted at Woodstown High School.

  • The Communications Academy offers students a unique and specialized program that develops students’ skills in audio, visual, oral and written communications. It is designed to educate and prepare students for a commitment to media and the communications field.
  • The skills learned can be applied in many communications careers as well as many other careers and college majors.
  • This is a rigorous program that allows students to focus on video and audio broadcasting and production skills. Emphasis will be placed on researching, writing, and developing several audio and video pieces relating to the course curriculum, as well as public speaking and broadcast journalism. Students will learn to manage their time, meet deadlines, problem solve, think objectively, develop leadership and workplace skills, and gain experience in communicating clearly and effectively. Students receive a variety of opportunities to showcase and evaluate their individual and group projects.

Possible career paths include: video editor, producer, scriptwriter, news writer, camera operator, director, production assistant, audio broadcaster, audio technician, audio production, broadcast journalist, audio visual technician, news anchor, podcaster, content creator, social media manager, public relations, journalism.

Academy Admissions Requirements:

  • Students should have strong reading and writing skills, be motivated, and have an interest in the application and use of communications across varied media.
  • Students should participate in a “Shadow Day” to experience the rigors and expectations of the Communications program.
  • Students will be required to submit a writing sample.
  • Students will participate in an interview.
  • In addition, standardized test scores in reading and writing, as well as recommendations from 7th and 8th grade English teachers, will be utilized to determine acceptance into this academy program.
Visit the WHS TV YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/@WHSTV1
