Allied Health / Med Science
- Program familiarizes students with critical concepts, safety issues and skills that all healthcare workers should understand and exhibit.
- A basic introduction to medical terminology teaches students how to correctly pronounce, spell, define and use medical terms.
- With the aid of curriculum-in-action field trips plus membership in HOSA – the national organization of health occupation students – the Allied Health program allows students explore multiple career pathways in the health sciences.
- Students have the ability to take CNA and EMT training courses to earn state certifications.
- The program’s philosophy is to educate motivated students in a specialized, student-focused environment, and to prepare them for college and then a career in the medical sciences.
- Program features rigorous curriculum rooted in Math, Biology, Chemistry and Anatomy/Physiology.
- Introduces students to a wide array of health occupations and further fields of study within the medical field.
- Students can earn up to 36 college credits through the College Accelerated Program articulation agreement with Salem Community College.