
880 Route 45
Woodstown, NJ 08098

Salem County Career and Technical High School District

Technology Department

The Technology Department manages all areas of technology related to help desk support, purchasing, networking and infrastructure, and network security.

The Technology Department is committed to using current technologies to support the Salem County School District’s district-wide goal to educate all students to high standards enabling them to function effectively in a technological society.

Technology Requests

Our Mission

  • To ensure that throughout the District, information technology is well maintained, useful and available.
  • Student Achievement – Students will have equal opportunities to access information and technology resources and use these resources to support their academic achievement efforts.
  • Information Resources and Learning Tools- Students, staff and parents/community members will have equal opportunities to access information resources.
  • Support Systems and Leadership – Appropriate technologies, including shared vision, staffing, policies and procedures, communication systems, infrastructure and resources, will be provided by the district to enhance the teaching and learning experience and administratively support that experience.
  • To provide data and the tools to do analysis, planning, budgeting, state reporting and all other district business functions in an efficient, cost effective and accurate manner

The technology staff will prioritize all work orders.
They understand what is important from a district perspective and are best at determining what is “critical” and what is not.

Do not e-mail, phone, or personally seek out the technology staff.
All requests must first be submitted as a tech request. If the technology staff is contacted by other means, you will first be referred to complete a tech request prior to any work being completed.

Do not attempt to install hardware, software, or download software of any type.
Not all hardware and software is compatible with our existing systems. You must submit a tech request stating the software or hardware you wish to have installed. Any software or hardware installed without a request form will be uninstalled and removed. All new software installation requests must be approved by the technology supervisor and building principal.

Only emergency requests the technology supervisor deems critical, will alter the technicians schedules.
Changes in the prioritization of technical tasks will occur if a “technical” emergency arises.

This set of procedures will enable the district to determine the volume and type of help desk requests within the district. It will provide insight into clusters of problems. It will allow the district to set priorities, and allow the technicians a vehicle to equitably deliver services across the district.