
880 Route 45
Woodstown, NJ 08098

Salem County Career and Technical High School District

Host-Site Academies

In addition to the 16 career and technical programs housed on the Salem Tech campus, SCVTS offers 10 additional vocational-technical academies which are hosted at one of four partner high schools throughout Salem County.

Thanks to special articulation agreements with each district, SCVTS is proud to offer programs on the campus of the following schools: Arthur P. Schalick High School; Penns Grove High School; Pennsville Memorial High School; and Woodstown High School.

While each of these is an SCVTS program, students who attend a host-site academy are full-time students at the district high school which hosts the academy.

Like the programs at Salem Tech, academies are tuition-free options for the students of Salem County, and bus transportation is provided by the student’s resident school district.

Host-Site Academies collage