
880 Route 45
Woodstown, NJ 08098

Salem County Career and Technical High School District

Certified Nurse Aide In Long-Term Care Facilities

The Certified Nurse Aide in Long-Term Care Facilities Program is a New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services approved training course. This program consists of a minimum of 90 hours of training, which equates to 50 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of clinical experiences. Students will be exposed to four defined modules, which include:

Module I Core Curriculum for Nurse Aide Personnel in Long-Term Care Facilities
Module II Psycho-Social Needs of the Resident
Module III Physical Needs of the Resident
Module IV Spiritual, Recreational and Activity Needs of the Resident

The objective of this program is to provide students with basic nurse aide knowledge and skills needed to care for residents and prepare nurse aides to assume the responsibilities of a trained care-giver. Upon completion of this course, students will be eligible to take the Nurse Aide in Long-Term Care Competency Evaluation to gain New Jersey DHHS CNA certification.

Program Start Dates

  • Day classes (2024): August 14, October 7, December 2
  • Day Classes (2025): February 4, April 2, May 27
  • Evening class: January 28, 2025


  • $799.00 (Payment Plan Options Available)

Admission Requirements

Criminal backgrounds may prevent individuals from obtaining certification and clinical placement.

  • Criminal background checks are required
  • Uniform and medical exams are not included
  • Dates and times subject to change
  • Medical Clearance, PPD’s, and Urine Drug Screen Are Required

Students must attend the Introduction to Health Career Pathway Seminar prior to registration.

Register for Classes

Make a Payment

Program Location

Salem County Vocational
Technical Schools
Carney’s Point Location

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Nicole Wilson from Inspira Health and Theresa Covello from Salem Community College provides insight into jobs and careers in the medical field.